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Red, Black and White Effects

Red Effects:

I found the video on red effects to be very interesting. Red definitely is a color that most commonly represents blood, superiority, fire, etc. With this, when the author notes that the color red when used in a uniform, makes that team more superior to the other, I can totally see why this is possible.

Black effects:

I thought that it was really interesting to hear about how people perceive certain black objects. Similar to red effects, team's uniforms that are black appear to be more aggressive. I can say that from personal experience from playing soccer, I can totally agree with that statement.

I also found it interesting to hear that the color black makes objects make things more luxurious or superiority. Things like cars and clothing stand timeless and upper class.

White effects:

One point made in this video stood out to me as very interesting. The fact that cops that wear white shirts make people feel more comfortable with them, or give off the vibe that they are more helpful than those who are in black uniform is questioning. Why is it like that? How can a color determine the performance of a cop?

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