Recognize this album cover? You probably should, as its one of the most famous ones out there. This is the English/ American rock band 'The Jimi Hendrix Experience' second studio album cover. I chose to analyze this cover because it is beautifully designed and was highly successful in creating an overall image for the up and coming rock band.
I first started analyzing this image by looking at the potential grid that was used in the process of it's creation.
As you can see, I used green lines to show the grid that was used to balance out this album cover. The grid is tightly nit, with small boxes dividing up the congested shapes and colors.
Next, I went on to look at the hierarchy that was present in this piece of graphic design.
I identified the process of hierarchy that the viewer would most commonly go through by numbering "1st", "2nd", and "3rd".
When first looking at this image, my eyes were immediately drawn to Hendrix's face which is centered on the page. I think the reasoning for this is due to his bold, black hair. Next, my eyes were drawn to the top of the page, where the title of the album lies. The reasoning for this is the contrast between the orange background and the white font which makes it stand out. Finally, my eyes looked to the outer faces and imagery that is found to the sides of Hendrix's face, tracing backwards.
I then analyzed the font used in the album cover. "What the font" did not detect the font, so I simply looked it up on google. I learned that this font was created especially for this cover and is called 'Opti Smoke'. ( Here it is.
Next, I looked at the color system in the image. The three colors shown in circles on the top right of the page are the more dominant colors. The ones of the left of the page are the less dominant ones, however still greatly contribute to the overall system.
Finally, I analyzed the positive and negative space in the image. I realized that there is not a lot of negative space, as there are many images and small shapes basically taking over the majority of the space. However, for the negative space that I did find, I pointed them out in black arrows.